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ProfileEnvi Combination Treatment

The ProfileEnvi treatment takes facial revitalization to the next level. Permanently eliminate stubborn fat under your chin with WarmSculpting™ Profile treatments with SculpSure® body contouring, then reduce facial wrinkles and tighten* your skin with TempSure Envi™ treatments. The result? A slimmer, more defined-looking profile that everyone will envy.



WarmSculpting Profile Treatments

This non-invasive, light-based treatment targets and destroys treated fat cells. For good.1 Just natural-looking2  and permanent results. No surgery. No downtime.



TempSure Envi Treatments

A gentle radiofrequency treatment that reduces facial fine lines and wrinkles and tightens* the skin. It’s safe for all skin types and levels of sun exposure fitting perfectly into your beauty maintenance routine, any time of year.



*Through soft-tissue coagulation.

1. Single treatment of average reduction in fat volume as measured by MRI; Clinical and Histological Evaluations of a 1060nm Laser Device for Non-Invasive Fat Reduction – John W. Decorato, MD., F A C S. Rafael Sierra, Ph.D., Bo Chen, Ph.D., Westford, MA, 2014.
2. The SculpSure device is designed to spread heat beyond the edges of the treatment area, facilitating natural-looking results.

The SculpSure device is a non-invasive laser body contouring system, intended to permanently eliminate fat cells through non-invasive lipolysis of the abdomen, love handles (flanks), back, inner and outer thighs, and under the chin (submental). Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed. WarmSculpting treatments are not intended for weight-loss results or for people who are obese. Mild side effects may occur, including temporary tenderness, swelling, or tissue firmness in the treatment area. Like all medical procedures, not all patients are suitable for the treatment. Please consult with your physician about the risks and benefits of this procedure and to see if WarmSculpting or TempSure Envi treatments are right for you.


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